Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology

Vol 8, Iss 3

July-September 2024



Effects of IDO1 and AhR Inhibition on Trypanosoma musculi co-cultured with macrophages in vitro

Ozzin-Kholy Zolipou Cyrille Oliver, Nzoumbou-Boko Romaric & Semballa Silla

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 01-08



Evaluation of the Irrigation Water Quality of a Canal Contaminated with Textile Dyeing Industry Effluent

Tawfeequa Rahman & M.G. Mostafa

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 09-25



Some Discourses on the Human Development Model in Central Asia

Shirinov Anvar Qanoatovich

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 26-31



Exploring Embedded System Tackling Design Challenges Methodology and Optimization Strategies

Mrs.S.Saranya, Mr.M.Arul Pugazhendhi & Dr.S.Mohamed Nizar

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 32-42



Development and Characterization of a Composite Material with a Polymer Matrix Reinforced by Sawdust from Cassava and Plantain Peelings

M.P. Ndibi Mbozo’o, B. Kengne, M. Tchawe Tchawe, R.O. Sen Bode & J.-F.R. Abia Nonga

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 43-59



Biochar Production - Case from Sugarcane bagasse

Tran Minh Quang, Vo Thuy Vi & Bui Thi Hoa

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 60-69



Anti-microbial property of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Methanol Extract [TFGME] on Pathogenic organisms

Srusti S.N, Smitha T.V, Teenashree P.S, Sangita Roy, Bhanuprakash K.S, Deepa G, Shridevi, Sharath Kumar M.N.

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 70-74



Utilization of Crop Residues and Solubilizing Bacteria to Enhance the Dissolution of Moroccan Phosphate Rock

BOUEUNAN Wongbe Beralex, BONGOUA-DEVISME Affi Jeanne, YOBOUE Kouadio Emile & BAHAN Lemonou Franck Michaël

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 75-88



Transactional Leadership Style and Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Stress Management

Daniel Nii Okaijah Welbeck, Kofi Amponsah-Bediako, Joel Okoe Quarcoo, Aba Quayson, Paul Aazagreyi & Jibreel Ustarz Abubakar

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 89-103



Silent Struggle: Analyzing and Comprehending Depression among Rehabilitated Spinal Cord Injured Patients - A Pilot Study

Dr. Suresh Devaraj, Dr. Suja Suresh & Mr. Durga Sankar Suar

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 104-111



Development of Intelligent Help System for Small Cities

Nayyar Ahmed Khan, Mohammad Ahmed, Rim Hamdaoui, Ahmed Masih Uddin Siddiqi & Mohammad Nadeem Khalid

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 112-119



Violence and Higher Education Quality in Zambia: A Theoretical Framework

Dr. Martin Mushumba, PhD, Prof. Gideon Mwanza, PhD & Prof. Omedy Mweene, PhD

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 120-141



A Study to Determine Factors Contributing to the Increase in the Number of Deliveries by Caesarian Section at Ndola Teaching Hospital from 2021 to 2023

Ms. Agnes’s Tembo, Mr. Peter Musonda, Prof. Esther Mofya, Prof. Doreen Mushele, Prof. Regina Mulenga, Dr. Mildred Simoonga, Dr. Mukubesa Mukubesa, Ms. Naomi Mukubesa & Prof. Gideon C. Mwanza

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 142-148



Application of Rhizobium inoculants and Phosphorus fertilizer for effective nodulation of Chickpea at T/koraro Tigray Ethiopia

Weldegebrel Gebrehiwet, Geberesemaeti Kahsu, Tewolde Berhe, Kinfe Tekulu, Samrawit Mebrahtu, Solomon Mebrahtom, Tsadik Tadele, Goitom Aregawi & Aklil Gebremedhin

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 149-155



Pedological characteristics and classification of soils along landscape at highlands of Tsegede, Western Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia

Haile Alene & Weldesenbet Haftu

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 156-169



The National Idea as a Driving Force behind Ideospheric Transformation in Uzbekistan: Exploring its Implications and Impact

Turdiev Bekhruz Sobirovich

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 170-176



Sufi Perspectives on the Philosophical Insights of Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Also Known as Avicenna, with Emphasis on the Concept of Al-Wujud al-Mutlaq

Nigina Karimovna Shamsutdinova

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 177-181



Wireless Smart Lighting System: A Cost-Effective Approach to Energy Saving with Centralized Control for Large-Scale Campus Infrastructure

Mohankumar A., Gowtham R., Elango K. & Ajay S.

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 182-195



Energy Auditing Measures for a Private Educational Institution in Sta. Ana Pampanga: A Case Study

Anthony L. David, Aristotle J. Quiroz, Flonard G. Bullag Jr., James Matthew J. Canlas, Joselito Jr. S. Relato, Mark John F. Villanueva, Armie C. Tolentino, Freneil R. Pampo & Ralph Laurence D. Parungao

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 196-225



Foliar Spray of Urea: A Sustainable Way to Minimize the Rate of Fertilizer Application for Mustard Production in Drought Prone Area of Bangladesh

Md. Mejbah Uddin, Most. Serajam Monira, Md. Aminul Hoque, Md. Ali Haider, Rebeka Sultana & Bickrom Mallick

 Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 226-236



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