Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology

Funding Sources Policy


All authors are required to declare what support they received to carry out their research. Declaring funding sources acknowledges funders’ contributions, fulfills funding requirements, and promotes greater transparency in the research process.

Each author must individually declare all sources of funding received for the research submitted to the journal. This information includes the name of granting agencies, grant numbers, and a description of each funder’s role (Example statement: This research was funded by MOEF and CC, Govt of India under Grant No. 1121G35).

If the funder has played no role in the research, this must be stated as well (Example statement: This study did not receive any grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors).

Authors are not required to provide the complete list of every single grant that supports them if the grant is not related to the research published.




Cited by All Since 2019
Citations 2909 2666
h-index 25 25
i10-index 65 60