Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology

Aims & Scope: Engineering is the application of mathematics, empirical evidence and scientific, economic, social and practical awareness in order to invent, design, build, maintain, research and improve structures, machines and processes. Technology is the collection of techniques, methods or processes used in the production of goods or services or the accomplishment of objectives such as scientific investigation. Science discipline includes the experimental investigation of living beings, for example, microorganisms, plants, animals and human beings, and in addition related contemplations like bio-ethics. While science remains life's centerpiece, mechanical advances in atomic science and biotechnology have prompted a thriving of interdisciplinary fields. Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology is an internationally peer-reviewed, quarterly open-access journal that aims publishing manuscripts related to Arts, Science, Medical, Management, Law, and Engineering domains. We invite research manuscripts, review articles, case reports, short communications, and editorial articles as manuscripts.

Audience: Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology fulfills the research necessities of practicing professionals as well as researchers in the field of applied science and technology, professionals in academia, former researchers, medical professionals, students, research scholars as well as other specialists who are attentive over the current happenings in global scientific research and related multidisciplinary subjects admitted by this journal.

Mission: Aiming to bring awareness over recent advancements in engineering, medicine, agriculture, law, economics, commerce, arts and science, our editorial team made the successful launch of the Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology. The Journal aims to develop and set remarkable standards in research and development, showcases the research works carried out in the laboratory, indexes the published articles in leading databases, and provides a remarkable standard for the research works being carried out in a wide range of multidisciplinary domains. The main consideration will be given to academicians and students for exhibiting their research-oriented capabilities in the form of research articles, review papers, technical notes, short communication, and letter to the editor. The journal publishes four issues per year regularly only in an online version. The ISSN of Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology is 2456-883X. The editorial team will be striving hard to bring this journal as a front-runner in this research community.

Vision: Being a cornerstone for the research community, this journal will be made widespread, as one of the world's most influential and widely-read multidisciplinary journals. The editorial team will strive hard to bridge the gap between academics and industries, by rendering open-access services and high-quality publications. The editors will make all possible efforts to index this journal in the top-most and most reputed indexing bodies. Collaborative works and tie-ups will be accomplished with the topmost institutions and universities all over the world, making the journal to be the most preferred journal by every academician and researcher.

Important Notes: All changes in the published articles may be made only within a week after online publication prior to the assignment of the Digital Object Identifier. The corresponding author is responsible for the original paper's contents and authors have to refer to and cite those contents which come from other papers. Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST) is now indexed by several leading International bodies like Publons, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, Scinapse, OpenAIRE, Zenodo, Dimensions, Scilit, Internet Archive, PlumX, ResearcherID, Crossref, Research Gate, ScienceGate, WorldCat, Fatcat, Slide Share,, DRJI, Cosmos, International Sci. Indexing, Google, CiteSeerX, EuroPub, Issuu, ROAD, CiteFactor, ResearchBib, Readkong, Eduzhai, Exaly, etc.

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